Party on the bus! Brax was so excited to dress up for school today, but I only got her to smile this morning when a large group of boys started walking our way. Uh-oh Ty...she's going to be trouble! Your chariot awaits!
Hey! Ty told Alex about your blog a while ago! Your kids are darling!! There are so cute!! You guys are such great parents!! How are you guys doing? I'm going private on our blog in a week or so, you should leave me your email so I can give you an invite!
She is the cutest snow princess ever. I can't wait to see you all. Harlee said that she wantsyou to teach her a cheer when you get here. Love ya and see you all soon.
Tyler and I have been married for 8 amazing years. Ty is in the Air Force and i am fortunate enough to stay at home with our two beautiful kids; Braxton 8 and Brollin 3. I'm the type of girl who watches tons of horror movies and never gets scared but screams at the top of my lungs when the toast pops out of the toaster!
Hey! Ty told Alex about your blog a while ago! Your kids are darling!! There are so cute!! You guys are such great parents!! How are you guys doing? I'm going private on our blog in a week or so, you should leave me your email so I can give you an invite!
She is the cutest snow princess ever. I can't wait to see you all. Harlee said that she wantsyou to teach her a cheer when you get here. Love ya and see you all soon.
We would love to go to dinner when you guys are here!! Let us know what day is best for you guys!
Again....adorable!!! She is getting so big...i cant handle it!!
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