He is finally here!! After 9 long months, our new little boy has finally arrived. Tyler and I thought it would be fun to walk around the mall one day afetr picking Brollin up from school and right there in the middle of the Disney Store I went into labor! We rushed to the hospital, Ty took Brollin to Rachel and Danny's house, left a note for Braxton and made it back just in time! My delivery went well, but little Bannick was having a hard time breathing. His pulse-ox was to low for their liking so they transfered him to another hospital. I was dischardged the following morning, which is unheard of after a c-section, but the doctors were so understanding. Bannick stayed in the Northbay NICU for a few days before he was able to come home. The kids have instantly fallen in love and needless to say, so have Tyler and I. He is such a great baby and a wonderful addition to our little family!
Tyler and I have been married for 8 amazing years. Ty is in the Air Force and i am fortunate enough to stay at home with our two beautiful kids; Braxton 8 and Brollin 3. I'm the type of girl who watches tons of horror movies and never gets scared but screams at the top of my lungs when the toast pops out of the toaster!