Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Wicked Winter

These are some pictures taken around base. The news said that this is the worst winter Spokane has ever seen. They have had over 50 roofs callapse as you you can see. Trees are broken literally in half, power is out all over the city because of the deep freeze we are now experiencing. That's actually how I spent my birthday; holed up in my room with the kids and plenty of candles trying to stay warm.


Brian Arnold said...

What the??? That sucks!!! Sorry Sun....noooo fun at all!! Call me to chat soon....i love you tons!! This is Em by the way...not Brian, although he loves you too!!

Kandyce said...

So randomly I found your blog from Karolee's blog!! I'm excited to keep up with you!! If it's ok, I would love to add you to my blog. I hope things are well. Miss you girlie!


Kandyce (kandyceandjames.blogspot.com)