Saturday, January 10, 2009

A quick update

Yeah!!! My internet has been down for 2 weeks now and finally someone was able to brave the weather and get out to help me! This is so typical with Ty gone... everything breaks; my computer and now my vacuum broke. The weather has been so bad here that all the roofs have been caving in, Brax has had no school, all the roads in and off base have been closed, so needless to say we have been trapped at home since Christmas Day. Even our grocery store has been closed, opening only for a few hours a day, letting in only certain amounts of people to just get necessity's. thank goodness for food storage. My drain pipes have all fallen off my house and for two days we were completely snowed into the house. It took 2 of our housing guys with salt, kitty litter, shovels and plows to get us and 2 of my neighbors out. Don't even ask how Laila held it for so long! Good Girl! Tyler is doing great! He spent New Years in Amsterdam partying it up in the Red Light District! And has gone snow boarding in Munich and Austria. What a rough life! We miss him so much! Under 60 days now!


The Browns said...

Oh My Heck I would seriously kill myself being in the house and knowing I couldn't leave. But if anyone could do it you can sun. You are seriously amazing!! I miss and love you all so much. Poor Brax that would suck not getting to go to school. She just loves it so much and has so many friends.It is typical that when the men leave we need them. Jerks!!! I can not believe that weather.

Alicia said...

That is sooo crazy stuff does always happen when the guys leave...... or maybe do we just notice it more? Who knows but it always seems to be that way. I heard you are going on an awesome trip woohooo that will be so fun!! Hope you can leave your house soon! love ya